
Photochromic materials to detect UV radiation on the Lunar soil


Our Mission

To promote and foster Space Science and Space Technologies for the benefit of humankind

Our Vision

The CREST envisions Space Exploration as a driving force for developing knowledge and solutions for a better world. We believe that by shooting at the stars, we will advance research and technology for not only creating human outposts on other planets but also providing humankind with new ideas to improve healthcare, energy efficiency, sustainability, and the well-being of people.


KRABS – Kinetics of red cell aggregation and blood structure-rheology link

Blood plasma proteins are responsible for a reversible aggregation of red blood cells (RBCs) known to increase blood viscosity. In spaceflight, this viscosity increase in stagnant or low shear regions promoted by microgravity together with haematological changes may favor coagulation and thrombi.

MOONNIGHT Passive Protective Shields for lunar and Martian outposts

Due to their (relative) proximity to Earth, the Moon and Mars represent promising candidates for initial extra-terrestrial settlements, possibly preceded by the robotic exploration of a swarm of semi-autonomous rovers and unmanned space vehicles.

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