CREST science and technology active projects on Space Platforms

UNIFARM – Assessing the Effects of Altered Gravity on Microgreens Growth

Random Position Machine @ CREST

ICAPS – Interaction in Cosmic and Atmospheric Particle Systems

WHISKIES – Biomimetic materials in microgravity conditions for wound healing

KRABS – Kinetics of red cell aggregation and blood structure-rheology link

ARLES – Advanced Research on Liquid Evaporation in Space

CoF – Condensation on Finned surfaces

DrEv – Evaporation of droplets on functionalized substrates

EEV – Enhanced Evaporators in microgravity

Selene – Self-rewetting fluid-dynamics in microgravity conditions

Neptune – Neuroendocrine-metabolic-inflammatory and infection-proneness Profile Testing before and after long-term Underwater and Extra-terrestrial missions

MAD – Materials Adhesion and Abrasion on lunar soils